I research in the field called "software engineering". These albums highlight the specific areas where my group is contributing. See also
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Chronologically ordered
- Mimicking Production Behavior with Generated Mocks (Deepika Tiwari, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2024.
- ITER: Iterative Neural Repair for Multi-Location Patches (He Ye and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering, 2024.
- WASM-MUTATE: Fast and Effective Binary Diversification for WebAssembly (Javier Cabrera-Arteaga, Nicholas Fitzgerald, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Computers & Security, 2024.
- Supersonic: Learning to Generate Source Code Optimizations in C/C++ (Zimin Chen, Sen Fang and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2024.
- GitBug-Actions: Building Reproducible Bug-Fix Benchmarks with GitHub Actions (Nuno Saavedra, André Silva and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of ICSE Tool, 2024.
- With Great Humor Comes Great Developer Engagement (Deepika Tiwari, Tim Toady, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering, 2024.
- BUMP: A Benchmark of Reproducible Breaking Dependency Updates (Frank Reyes, Yogya Gamage, Gabriel Skoglund, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of SANER 2024, 2024.
- Generative AI to Generate Test Data Generators (Benoit Baudry, Khashayar Etemadi, Sen Fang, Yogya Gamage, Yi Liu, Yuxin Liu, Martin Monperrus, Javier Ron, André Silva and Deepika Tiwari), In IEEE Software, 2024.
- GitBug-Java: A Reproducible Benchmark of Recent Java Bugs (André Silva, Nuno Saavedra and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of Mining Software Repositories Conference (MSR), 2024.
- CigaR: Cost-efficient Program Repair with LLMs (Dávid Hidvégi, Khashayar Etemadi, Sofia Bobadilla and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2402.06598, arXiv, 2024.
- DISL: Fueling Research with A Large Dataset of Solidity Smart Contracts (Gabriele Morello, Mojtaba Eshghie, Sofia Bobadilla and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2403.16861, arXiv, 2024.
- Serializing Java Objects in Plain Code (Julian Wachter, Deepika Tiwari, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), Technical report 2405.11294, arXiv, 2024.
- Mokav: Execution-driven Differential Testing with LLMs (Khashayar Etemadi, Bardia Mohammadi, Zhendong Su and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2406.10375, arXiv, 2024.
- SBOM.EXE: Countering Dynamic Code Injection based on Software Bill of Materials in Java (Aman Sharma, Martin Wittlinger, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2407.00246, arXiv, 2024.
- PROZE: Generating Parameterized Unit Tests Informed by Runtime Data (Deepika Tiwari, Yogya Gamage, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, 2024.
- Breaking-Good: Explaining Breaking Dependency Updates with Build Analysis (Frank Reyes, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, 2024.
- GoSurf: Identifying Software Supply Chain Attack Vectors in Go (Carmine Cesarano, Vivi Andersson, Roberto Natella and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Software Supply Chain Offensive Research and Ecosystem Defenses, 2024.
- Java-Class-Hijack: Software Supply Chain Attack for Java based on Maven Dependency Resolution and Java Classloading (Federico Bono, Frank Reyes, Aman Sharma, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2407.18760, arXiv, 2024.
- Galapagos: Automated N-Version Programming with LLMs (Javier Ron, Diogo Gaspar, Javier Cabrera-Arteaga, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2408.09536, arXiv, 2024.
- RepairBench: Leaderboard of Frontier Models for Program Repair (André Silva and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2409.18952, arXiv, 2024.
- Dirty-Waters: Detecting Software Supply Chain Smells (Raphina Liu, Sofia Bobadilla, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2410.16049, arXiv, 2024.
- Understanding Code Understandability Improvements in Code Reviews (Delano Oliveira, Reydne Santos, Benedito de Oliveira, Martin Monperrus, Fernando Castor and Fernanda Madeiral), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2024.
- SoliDiffy: AST Differencing for Solidity Smart Contracts (Mojtaba Eshghie, Viktor Åryd, Cyrille Artho and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2411.07718, arXiv, 2024.
- Proving and Rewarding Client Diversity to Strengthen Resilience of Blockchain Networks (Javier Ron, Zheyuan He and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2411.18401, arXiv, 2024.
- Programming Art With Drawing Machines (Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In Computer, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), volume 57, 2024.
- Scoping Software Engineering for AI: The TSE Perspective (Sebastian Uchitel, Martin Monperrus and Hao Zhong), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), volume 50, 2024.
- Chaos Engineering of Ethereum Blockchain Clients (Long Zhang, Javier Ron, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice, volume 2, 2023.
- Learning the Relation between Code Features and Code Transforms with Structured Prediction (Zhongxing Yu, Matias Martinez, Zimin Chen, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2023.
- Hyperparameter Optimization for AST Differencing (Matias Martinez, Jean-Rémy Falleri and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2023.
- Self-Supervised Learning to Prove Equivalence Between Straight-Line Programs via Rewrite Rules (Steve Kommrusch, Martin Monperrus and Louis-Noël Pouchet), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2023.
- WebAssembly Diversification for Malware Evasion (Javier Cabrera-Arteaga, Martin Monperrus, Tim Toady and Benoit Baudry), In Computers & Security, 2023.
- Augmenting Diffs With Runtime Information (Khashayar Etemadi, Aman Sharma, Fernanda Madeiral and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2023.
- RICK: Generating Mocks from Production Data (Deepika Tiwari, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Proceedings of ICST, 2023.
- SOBO: A Feedback Bot to Nudge Code Quality in Programming Courses (Sofia Bobadilla, Richard Glassey, Alexandre Bergel and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Software, 2023.
- Challenges of Producing Software Bill Of Materials for Java (Musard Balliu, Benoit Baudry, Sofia Bobadilla, Mathias Ekstedt, Martin Monperrus, Javier Ron, Aman Sharma, Gabriel Skoglund, César Soto-Valero and Martin Wittlinger), In IEEE Security & Privacy, 2023.
- Highly Available Blockchain Nodes With N-Version Design (Javier Ron, César Soto-Valero, Long Zhang, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2023.
- MUFIN: Improving Neural Repair Models with Back-Translation (André Silva, João F. Ferreira, He Ye and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2304.02301, arXiv, 2023.
- RepairLLaMA: Efficient Representations and Fine-Tuned Adapters for Program Repair (André Silva, Sen Fang and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2312.15698, arXiv, 2023.
- Human, What Must I Tell You? (Markus Borg, Emil Aasa, Khashayar Etemadi and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Software, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), volume 40, 2023.
- Styler: learning formatting conventions to repair Checkstyle violations (Benjamin Loriot, Fernanda Madeiral and Martin Monperrus), In Empirical Software Engineering, 2022.
- Estimating the Potential of Program Repair Search Spaces with Commit Analysis (Khashayar Etemadi, Niloofar Tarighat, Siddharth Yadav, Matias Martinez and Martin Monperrus), In Journal of Systems and Software, 2022.
- A Comprehensive Study of Code-removal Patches in Automated Program Repair (Davide Ginelli, Matias Martinez, Leonardo Mariani and Martin Monperrus), In Empirical Software Engineering, 2022.
- Sorald: Automatic Patch Suggestions for SonarQube Static Analysis Violations (Khashayar Etemadi, Nicolas Harrand, Simon Larsen, Haris Adzemovic, Henry Luong Phu, Ashutosh Verma, Fernanda Madeiral, Douglas Wikstrom and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022.
- Neural Transfer Learning for Repairing Security Vulnerabilities in C Code (Zimin Chen, Steve Kommrusch and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2022.
- Neural Program Repair with Execution-based Backpropagation (He Ye, Matias Martinez and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, 2022.
- Multi-Variant Execution at the Edge (Javier Cabrera-Arteaga, Pierre Laperdrix, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense, 2022.
- Harvesting Production GraphQL Queries to Detect Schema Faults (Louise Zetterlund, Deepika Tiwari, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2022.
- Spork: Structured Merge for Java with Formatting Preservation (Simon Larsén, Jean-Rémy Falleri, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2022.
- The Multibillion Dollar Software Supply Chain of Ethereum (César Soto-Valero, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In IEEE Computer, 2022.
- SelfAPR: Self-supervised Program Repair with Test Execution Diagnostics (He Ye, Matias Martinez, Xiapu Luo, Tao Zhang and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of ASE, 2022.
- Exhaustive Survey of Rickrolling in Academic Literature (Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ , Proceedings of SIGBOVIK, 2022.
- Long Live Software Easter Eggs! (Benoit Baudry, Tim Toady and Martin Monperrus), In Queue, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), volume 20, 2022.
- A Comprehensive Study of Automatic Program Repair on the QuixBugs Benchmark (He Ye, Matias Martinez, Thomas Durieux and Martin Monperrus), In Journal of Systems and Software, 2021.
- Observability and Chaos Engineering on System Calls for Containerized Applications in Docker (Jesper Simonsson, Long Zhang, Brice Morin, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In Future Generation Computer Systems, 2021.
- Automated Patch Assessment for Program Repair at Scale (He Ye, Matias Martinez and Martin Monperrus), In Empirical Software Engineering, 2021.
- Automated Classification of Overfitting Patches with Statically Extracted Code Features (He Ye, Jian Gu, Matias Martinez, Thomas Durieux and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2021.
- A Comprehensive Study of Bloated Dependencies in the Maven Ecosystem (César Soto-Valero, Nicolas Harrand, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Empirical Software Engineering, 2021.
- Maximizing Error Injection Realism for Chaos Engineering with System Calls (Long Zhang, Brice Morin, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2021.
- CROW: Code Diversification for WebAssembly (Javier Cabrera Arteaga, Orestis Malivitsis, Oscar Vera Pérez, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the Workshop on Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web (MADWeb), 2021.
- Production Monitoring to Improve Test Suites (Deepika Tiwari, Long Zhang, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2021.
- A Software-Repair Robot based on Continual Learning (Benoit Baudry, Zimin Chen, Khashayar Etemadi, Han Fu, Davide Ginelli, Steve Kommrusch, Matias Martinez, Martin Monperrus, Javier Ron, He Ye and Zhongxing Yu), In IEEE Software, 2021.
- Multimodal Representation for Neural Code Search (Jian Gu, Zimin Chen and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2021.
- Megadiff: A Dataset of 600k Java Source Code Changes Categorized by Diff Size (Martin Monperrus, Matias Martinez, He Ye, Fernanda Madeiral, Thomas Durieux and Zhongxing Yu), Technical report 2108.04631, arXiv, 2021.
- FLACOCO: Fault Localization for Java based on Industry-grade Coverage (André Silva, Matias Martinez, Benjamin Danglot, Davide Ginelli and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 2111.12513, arXiv, 2021.
- Science-changing Code (Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), Blog@CACM, 2021.
- Testing beyond coverage (Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), Increment, 2021.
- FixMiner: Mining Relevant Fix Patterns for Automated Program Repair (Anil Koyuncu, Kui Liu, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Dongsun Kim, Jacques Klein, Martin Monperrus and Yves Le Traon), In Empirical Software Engineering, 2020.
- Superoptimization of WebAssembly Bytecode (Javier Cabrera-Arteaga, Shrinish Donde, Jian Gu, Orestis Floros, Lucas Satabin, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of MoreVMs: Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, Ecosystems, 2020.
- Java Decompiler Diversity and its Application to Meta-decompilation (Nicolas Harrand, César Soto-Valero, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Journal of Systems and Software, 2020.
- On the Relevance of Cross-project Learning with Nearest Neighbours for Commit Message Generation (Khashayar Etemadi and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops 2020, 2020.
- A Snowballing Literature Study on Test Amplification (Benjamin Danglot, Oscar Luis Vera-Pérez, Zhongxing Yu, Andy Zaidman, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, 2019.
- Sorting and Transforming Program Repair Ingredients via Deep Learning Code Similarities (Martin White, Michele Tufano, Matias Martinez, Martin Monperrus and Denys Poshyvanyk), In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, 2019.
- Astor: Exploring the Design Space of Generate-and-Validate Program Repair beyond GenProg (Matias Martinez and Martin Monperrus), In Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, 2019.
- Characterizing the Usage, Evolution and Impact of Java Annotations in Practice (Zhongxing Yu, Chenggang Bai, Lionel Seinturier and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019.
- A Chaos Engineering System for Live Analysis and Falsification of Exception-handling in the JVM (Long Zhang, Brice Morin, Philipp Haller, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019.
- IntRepair: Informed Repairing of Integer Overflows (Paul Muntean, Martin Monperrus, Hao Sun, Jens Grossklags and Claudia Eckert), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019.
- Coming: a Tool for Mining Change Pattern Instances from Git Commits (Matias Martinez and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering, Tool track, 2019.
- Automatic Test Improvement with DSpot: a Study with Ten Mature Open-Source Projects (Benjamin Danglot, Oscar Luis Vera-Pérez, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In Empirical Software Engineering, 2019.
- TripleAgent: Monitoring, Perturbation and Failure-obliviousness for Automated Resilience Improvement in Java Applications (Long Zhang and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, 2019.
- SequenceR: Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for End-to-End Program Repair (Zimin Chen, Steve Kommrusch, Michele Tufano, Louis-Noël Pouchet, Denys Poshyvanyk and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019.
- A Journey Among Java Neutral Program Variants (Nicolas Harrand, Simon Allier, Marcelino Rodriguez-Cancio, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2019.
- Bears: An Extensible Java Bug Benchmark for Automatic Program Repair Studies (Fernanda Madeiral, Simon Urli, Marcelo Maia and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, 2019.
- D&C: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to IR-based Bug Localization (Anil Koyuncu, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Dongsun Kim, Kui Liu, Jacques Klein, Martin Monperrus and Yves Le Traon), Technical report 1902.02703, arXiv, 2019.
- An Approach and Benchmark to Detect Behavioral Changes of Commits in Continuous Integration (Benjamin Danglot, Martin Monperrus, Walter Rudametkin and Benoit Baudry), In Empirical Software Engineering, 2019.
- A Literature Study of Embeddings on Source Code (Zimin Chen and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1904.03061, arXiv, 2019.
- An Analysis of 35+ Million Jobs of Travis CI (Thomas Durieux, Rui Abreu, Martin Monperrus, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé and Luís Cruz), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2019.
- Explainable Software Bot Contributions: Case Study of Automated Bug Fixes (Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering, 2019.
- iFixR: Bug Report driven Program Repair (Anil Koyuncu, Kui Liu, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Dongsun Kim, Martin Monperrus, Jacques Klein and Yves Le Traon), In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2019.
- The Strengths and Behavioral Quirks of Java Bytecode Decompilers (Nicolas Harrand, César Soto-Valero, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, 2019.
- Suggestions on Test Suite Improvements with Automatic Infection and Propagation Analysis (Oscar Luis Vera-Pérez, Benjamin Danglot, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), Technical report 1909.04770, arXiv, 2019.
- Scalable Comparison of JavaScript V8 Bytecode Traces (Javier Cabrera-Arteaga, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Proceedings of the SPLASH workshop on Virtual Machines and Language Implementations (VMIL), 2019.
- Repairnator patches programs automatically (Martin Monperrus, Simon Urli, Thomas Durieux, Matias Martinez, Benoit Baudry and Lionel Seinturier), In Ubiquity, Association for Computing Machinery, July (2), pp.1-12, 2019.
- Using Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for Repairing C Vulnerabilities (Zimin Chen, Steve Kommrusch and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1912.02015, arXiv, 2019.
- Automatic Observability for Dockerized Java Applications (Long Zhang, Deepika Tiwari, Brice Morin, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1912.06914, arXiv, 2019.
- Dynamic Analysis in the Browser (Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), Blog@CACM, 2019.
- The open science initiative of the Empirical Software Engineering journal (Daniel Mendez Fernandez, Martin Monperrus, Robert Feldt and Thomas Zimmermann), In Empirical Software Engineering, SPRINGER, volume 24, 2019.
- How to make a good open-science repository? (Martin Monperrus), Research Data Blog, 2019.
- Fully Automated HTML and JavaScript Rewriting for Constructing a Self-healing Web Proxy (journal version) (Thomas Durieux, Youssef Hamadi and Martin Monperrus), In Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, Wiley, volume 30, 2019.
- Exhaustive Exploration of the Failure-oblivious Computing Search Space (Thomas Durieux, Youssef Hamadi, Zhongxing Yu, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2018.
- Ultra-Large Repair Search Space with Automatically Mined Templates: the Cardumen Mode of Astor (Matias Martinez and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering, 2018.
- Dissection of a Bug Dataset: Anatomy of 395 Patches from Defects4J (Victor Sobreira, Thomas Durieux, Fernanda Madeiral, Martin Monperrus and Marcelo A. Maia), In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, 2018.
- Fully Automated HTML and Javascript Rewriting for Constructing a Self-healing Web Proxy (Thomas Durieux, Youssef Hamadi and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of ISSRE, 2018.
- The CodRep Machine Learning on Source Code Competition (Zimin Chen and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1807.03200, arXiv, 2018.
- A Comprehensive Study of Pseudo-tested Methods (Oscar Luis Vera-Pérez, Benjamin Danglot, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In Empirical Software Engineering, 2018.
- Human-competitive Patches in Automatic Program Repair with Repairnator (Martin Monperrus, Simon Urli, Thomas Durieux, Matias Martinez, Benoit Baudry and Lionel Seinturier), Technical report 1810.05806, arXiv, 2018.
- Alleviating Patch Overfitting with Automatic Test Generation: A Study of Feasibility and Effectiveness for the Nopol Repair System (Zhongxing Yu, Matias Martinez, Benjamin Danglot, Thomas Durieux and Martin Monperrus), In Empirical Software Engineering (Springer), 2018.
- Descartes: A PITest Engine to Detect Pseudo-Tested Methods - Tool Demonstration (Oscar Luis Vera-Pérez, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Tool demonstration track, 2018.
- The Remarkable Role of Similarity in Redundancy-based Program Repair (Zimin Chen and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1811.05703, arXiv, 2018.
- How to Design a Program Repair Bot? Insights from the Repairnator Project (Simon Urli, Zhongxing Yu, Lionel Seinturier and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of ICSE, Software Engineering in Practice, 2018.
- Editor's Note: Special Issue on Automatic Software Repair (Martin Monperrus and Westley Weimer), 2018.
- The Living Review on Automated Program Repair (Martin Monperrus), Technical report hal-01956501, HAL Archives Ouvertes, 2018.
- Principles of Antifragile Software (Martin Monperrus), In Companion to the first International Conference on the Art, Science and Engineering of Programming, 2017.
- Correctness Attraction: A Study of Stability of Software Behavior Under Runtime Perturbation (Benjamin Danglot, Philippe Preux, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In Empirical Software Engineering, 2017.
- Test Case Generation for Program Repair: A Study of Feasibility and Effectiveness (Zhongxing Yu, Matias Martinez, Benjamin Danglot, Thomas Durieux and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1703.00198, arXiv, 2017.
- A generative model for sparse, evolving digraphs (Georgios Papoudakis, Philippe Preux and Martin Monperrus), In 6th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Complex Networks 2017 :, 2017.
- Automatic Software Repair: a Bibliography (Martin Monperrus), In ACM Computing Surveys, Association for Computing Machinery, 2017.
- Dynamic Patch Generation for Null Pointer Exceptions using Metaprogramming (Thomas Durieux, Benoit Cornu, Lionel Seinturier and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2017.
- Production-Driven Patch Generation (Thomas Durieux, Youssef Hamadi and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Software Engineering, 2017.
- A Large-Scale Study of Call Graph-based Impact Prediction using Mutation Testing (Vincenzo Musco, Martin Monperrus and Philippe Preux), In Software Quality Journal, 2017.
- Impact of Tool Support in Patch Construction (Anil Koyuncu, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Dongsun Kim, Jacques Klein, Martin Monperrus and Yves Le Traon), In 26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2017.
- The Patches of the Nopol Automatic Repair System on the Bugs of Defects4J version 1.1.0 (Thomas Durieux, Benjamin Danglot, Zhongxing Yu, Matias Martinez, Simon Urli and Martin Monperrus), Technical report hal-01480084, Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies, 2017.
- App Store 2.0: From Crowdsourced Information to Actionable Feedback in Mobile Ecosystems (María Gómez, Bram Adams, Walid Maalej, Martin Monperrus and Romain Rouvoy), In IEEE Software, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, volume 34, 2017.
- Casper: Debugging Null Dereferences with Dynamic Causality Traces (Benoit Cornu, Earl T. Barr, Lionel Seinturier and Martin Monperrus), In Journal of Systems and Software, 2016.
- A Learning Algorithm for Change Impact Prediction (Vincenzo Musco, Antonin Carette, Martin Monperrus and Philippe Preux), In 5th International Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering, 2016.
- BanditRepair: Speculative Exploration of Runtime Patches (Thomas Durieux, Youssef Hamadi and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1603.07631, arXiv, 2016.
- Production-Driven Patch Generation and Validation (Thomas Durieux, Youssef Hamadi and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1609.06848, arXiv, 2016.
- Automatic Repair of Real Bugs in Java: A Large-Scale Experiment on the Defects4J Dataset (Matias Martinez, Thomas Durieux, Romain Sommerard, Jifeng Xuan and Martin Monperrus), In Empirical Software Engineering, 2016.
- Nopol: Automatic Repair of Conditional Statement Bugs in Java Programs (Jifeng Xuan, Matias Martinez, Favio Demarco, Maxime Clément, Sebastian Lamelas, Thomas Durieux, Daniel Le Berre and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2016.
- IntroClassJava: A Benchmark of 297 Small and Buggy Java Programs (Thomas Durieux and Martin Monperrus), Technical report hal-01272126, Universite Lille 1, 2016.
- DynaMoth: Dynamic Code Synthesis for Automatic Program Repair (Thomas Durieux and Martin Monperrus), In 11th International Workshop in Automation of Software Test, 2016.
- ASTOR: A Program Repair Library for Java (Matias Martinez and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of ISSTA, Demonstration Track, 2016.
- Searching stack overflow for API-usage-related bug fixes using snippet-based queries (Martin Monperrus, Eduardo C. Campos and Marcelo Maia), In 26th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2016.
- On Oracles for Automated Diagnosis and Repair of Software Bugs (Martin Monperrus), Habilitation à diriger des recherches, 2016.
- Mutation-Based Graph Inference for Fault Localization (Vincenzo Musco, Martin Monperrus and Philippe Preux), In International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, 2016.
- B-Refactoring: Automatic Test Code Refactoring to Improve Dynamic Analysis (Jifeng Xuan, Benoit Cornu, Matias Martinez, Benoit Baudry, Lionel Seinturier and Martin Monperrus), In Information and Software Technology, Elsevier, volume 76, 2016.
- Mining Software Repair Models for Reasoning on the Search Space of Automated Program Fixing (Matias Martinez and Martin Monperrus), In Empirical Software Engineering, volume 20, 2015.
- The Multiple Facets of Software Diversity: Recent Developments in Year 2000 and Beyond (Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In ACM Computing Surveys, volume 48, 2015.
- Software that Learns from its Own Failures (Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1502.00821, arXiv, 2015.
- DSpot: Test Amplification for Automatic Assessment of Computational Diversity (Benoit Baudry, Simon Allier, Marcelino Rodriguez-Cancio and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1503.05807, arXiv, 2015.
- Automatic Repair of Infinite Loops (Sebastian R. Lamelas Marcote and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1504.05078, arXiv, 2015.
- Automatic Repair of Real Bugs: An Experience Report on the Defects4J Dataset (Matias Martinez, Thomas Durieux, Jifeng Xuan, Romain Sommerard and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1505.07002, arXiv, 2015.
- Dynamic Analysis can be Improved with Automatic Test Suite Refactoring (Jifeng Xuan, Benoit Cornu, Matias Martinez, Benoit Baudry, Lionel Seinturier and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1506.01883, arXiv, 2015.
- Automatic Software Diversity in the Light of Test Suites (Benoit Baudry, Simon Allier, Marcelino Rodriguez-Cancio and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1509.00144, arXiv, 2015.
- NPEFix: Automatic Runtime Repair of Null Pointer Exceptions in Java (Benoit Cornu, Thomas Durieux, Lionel Seinturier and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1512.07423, arXiv, 2015.
- Multitier diversification in Web-based software applications (Simon Allier, Olivier Barais, Benoit Baudry, Johann Bourcier, Erwan Daubert, Franck Fleurey, Martin Monperrus, Hui Song and Maxime Tricoire), In IEEE Software, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, volume 32, 2015.
- Exception Handling Analysis and Transformation Using Fault Injection: Study of Resilience Against Unanticipated Exceptions (Benoit Cornu, Lionel Seinturier and Martin Monperrus), In Information and Software Technology, Elsevier, volume 57, 2015.
- When App Stores Listen to the Crowd to Fight Bugs in the Wild (Maria Gomez, Matias Martinez, Martin Monperrus and Romain Rouvoy), In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), track on New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER), IEEE, 2015.
- A Recommender System of Buggy App Checkers for App Store Moderators (Maria Gomez, Romain Rouvoy, Martin Monperrus and Lionel Seinturier), In 2nd ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems, IEEE, 2015.
- Mashup of Meta-Languages and its Implementation in the Kermeta Language Workbench (Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Benoit Combemale, Olivier Barais, Martin Monperrus and François Fouquet), In Software and Systems Modeling, Springer Verlag, volume 14, 2015.
- An Experimental Protocol for Analyzing the Accuracy of Software Error Impact Analysis (Vincenzo Musco, Martin Monperrus and Philippe Preux), In Tenth IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Automation of Software Test, 2015.
- Spoon: A Library for Implementing Analyses and Transformations of Java Source Code (Renaud Pawlak, Martin Monperrus, Nicolas Petitprez, Carlos Noguera and Lionel Seinturier), In Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley, volume 46, 2015.
- Crash Reproduction via Test Case Mutation: Let Existing Test Cases Help (Jifeng Xuan, Xiaoyuan Xie and Martin Monperrus), In ESEC/FSE 2015 - 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering, NIER Track, 2015.
- Tailored Source Code Transformations to Synthesize Computationally Diverse Program Variants (Benoit Baudry, Simon Allier and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2014.
- An Approach for Discovering Traceability Links between Regulatory Documents and Source Code Through User-Interface Labels (Antoine Mischler and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1403.2639, arXiv, 2014.
- Do the Fix Ingredients Already Exist? An Empirical Inquiry into the Redundancy Assumptions of Program Repair Approaches (Matias Martinez, Westley Weimer and Martin Monperrus), In ICSE - 36th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - New Ideas and Emerging Results Track, 2014.
- Automatic Repair of Buggy If Conditions and Missing Preconditions with SMT (Favio Demarco, Jifeng Xuan, Daniel Le Berre and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification, and Analysis, 2014.
- A Critical Review of "Automatic Patch Generation Learned from Human-Written Patches": Essay on the Problem Statement and the Evaluation of Automatic Software Repair (Martin Monperrus), In International Conference on Software Engineering, 2014.
- Static Analysis for Extracting Permission Checks of a Large Scale Framework: The Challenges And Solutions for Analyzing Android (Alexandre Bartel, Jacques Klein, Martin Monperrus and Yves Le Traon), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2014.
- Test Case Purification for Improving Fault Localization (Jifeng Xuan and Martin Monperrus), In FSE - 22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2014.
- ASTOR: Evolutionary Automatic Software Repair for Java (Matias Martinez and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1410.6651, arXiv, 2014.
- A Generative Model of Software Dependency Graphs to Better Understand Software Evolution (Vincenzo Musco, Martin Monperrus and Philippe Preux), Technical report 1410.7921, arXiv, 2014.
- Empirical Investigation of the Web Browser Attack Surface under Cross-Site Scripting: an Urgent Need for Systematic Security Regression Testing (Erwan Abgrall, Sylvain Gombault, Yves Le Traon and Martin Monperrus), In International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops, 2014.
- DIVERSIFY: Ecology-inspired software evolution for diversity emergence (Benoit Baudry, Martin Monperrus, Cendrine Mony, Franck Chauvel, Franck Fleurey and Siobhàn Clarke), In Proceedings of IEEE CSMR-WCRE, IEEE, 2014.
- On Analyzing the Topology of Commit Histories in Decentralized Version Control Systems (Marco Biazzini, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), In ICSME - 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2014.
- Fine-grained and Accurate Source Code Differencing (Jean-Rémy Falleri, Floréal Morandat, Xavier Blanc, Matias Martinez and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2014.
- Accurate Extraction of Bug Fix Pattern Occurrences using Abstract Syntax Tree Analysis (Matias Martinez, Laurence Duchien and Martin Monperrus), Technical report hal-01075938, Inria, 2014.
- Analysis and Exploitation of Natural Software Diversity: The Case of API Usages (Diego Mendez, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), Technical report hal-01095501, Inria, 2014.
- Debugging with the Crowd: a Debug Recommendation System based on Stackoverflow (Martin Monperrus and Anthony Maia), Technical report hal-00987395, Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies, 2014.
- Challenging Analytical Knowledge On Exception-Handling: An Empirical Study of 32 Java Software Packages (Martin Monperrus, Maxence Germain de Montauzan, Benoit Cornu, Raphael Marvie and Romain Rouvoy), Technical report hal-01093908, Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Lille, 2014.
- Learning to Combine Multiple Ranking Metrics for Fault Localization (Jifeng Xuan and Martin Monperrus), In ICSME - 30th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2014.
- Detecting Missing Method Calls as Violations of the Majority Rule (Martin Monperrus and Mira Mezini), In ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2013.
- Empirical Evidence of Large-Scale Diversity in API Usage of Object-Oriented Software (Diego Mendez, Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), In International Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM'2013), 2013.
- Automatically Extracting Instances of Code Change Patterns with AST Analysis (Matias Martinez, Laurence Duchien and Martin Monperrus), In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2013.
- Reasoning and Improving on Software Resilience against Unanticipated Exceptions (Benoit Cornu, Lionel Seinturier and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1401.0191, arXiv, 2013.
- Automated Measurement of Models of Requirements (Martin Monperrus, Benoit Baudry, Joël Champeau, Brigitte Hoeltzener and Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Software Quality Journal, Springer Verlag, volume 21, 2013.
- Two Flavors in Automated Software Repair: Rigid Repair and Plastic Repair (Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), Technical report Dagstuhl Seminar 13061 "Fault Prediction, Localization, and Repair", Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics, 2013.
- Abmash: Mashing Up Legacy Web Applications by Automated Imitation of Human Actions (Alper Ortac, Martin Monperrus and Mira Mezini), In Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley, volume 45, 2013.
- Semi-Automatically Extracting FAQs to Improve Accessibility of Software Development Knowledge (Stefan Henß, Martin Monperrus and Mira Mezini), In ICSE - 34th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2012.
- Towards Ecology Inspired Software Engineering (Benoit Baudry and Martin Monperrus), Technical report 1205.1102, arXiv, 2012.
- Dexpler: Converting Android Dalvik Bytecode to Jimple for Static Analysis with Soot (Alexandre Bartel, Jacques Klein, Martin Monperrus and Yves Le Traon), In ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on State Of the Art in Java Program Analysis, 2012.
- What Should Developers Be Aware Of? An Empirical Study on the Directives of API Documentation (Martin Monperrus, Michael Eichberg, Elif Tekes and Mira Mezini), In Empirical Software Engineering, 2012.
- In-Vivo Bytecode Instrumentation for Improving Privacy on Android Smartphones in Uncertain Environments (Alexandre Bartel, Jacques Klein, Martin Monperrus, Kevin Allix and Yves Le Traon), Technical report 1208.4536, arXiv, 2012.
- XSS-FP: Browser Fingerprinting using HTML Parser Quirks (Erwan Abgrall, Yves Le Traon, Martin Monperrus, Sylvain Gombault, Mario Heiderich and Alain Ribault), Technical report 1211.4812, arXiv, 2012.
- Improving privacy on android smartphones through in-vivo bytecode instrumentation (Alexandre Bartel, Jacques Klein, Martin Monperrus, Kevin Allix and Yves Le Traon), Technical report arXiv:1208.4536, University of Luxembourg, 2012.
- Automatically Securing Permission-Based Software by Reducing the Attack Surface: An Application to Android (Alexandre Bartel, Jacques Klein, Yves Le Traon and Martin Monperrus), In IEEE/ACM International Conference On Automated Software Engineering, 2012.
- Mining Repair Actions for Guiding Automated Program Fixing (Matias Martinez and Martin Monperrus), Technical report hal-01080299, Inria, 2012.
- CVS-Vintage: A Dataset of 14 CVS Repositories of Java Software (Martin Monperrus and Matias Martinez), Technical report hal-00769121, HAL, 2012.
- Querying Source Code with Natural Language (Markus Kimmig, Martin Monperrus and Mira Mezini), In 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference On Automated Software Engineering, 2011.
- A Natural Language Interface for Code Search (Markus Kimmig, Martin Monperrus and Mira Mezini), Technical report hal-01094267, TU Darmstadt, 2011.
- Model-driven Generative Development of Measurement Software (Martin Monperrus, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Benoit Baudry, Joël Champeau and Brigitte Hoeltzener), In Software and Systems Modeling, Springer Verlag, volume 10, 2011.
- IDE 2.0: Collective Intelligence in Software Development (Marcel Bruch, Eric Bodden, Martin Monperrus and Mira Mezini), In Proceedings of the 2010 FSE/SDP Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering Research, 2010.
- Mining Subclassing Directives to Improve Framework Reuse (Marcel Bruch, Mira Mezini and Martin Monperrus), In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2010.
- Model-driven Engineering of Machine Executable Code (Michael Eichberg, Martin Monperrus, Sven Kloppenburg and Mira Mezini), In Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, 2010.
- Detecting Missing Method Calls in Object-Oriented Software (Martin Monperrus, Marcel Bruch and Mira Mezini), In Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2010.
- Model-driven Architecture of a Maritime Surveillance System Simulator (Martin Monperrus, Benoit Long, Joël Champeau, Brigitte Hoeltzener, Gabriel Marchalot and Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Systems Engineering, Wiley, volume 13, 2010.
- Measuring Models (Martin Monperrus, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Joël Champeau and Brigitte Hoeltzener), Chapter in Model-Driven Software Development: Integrating Quality Assurance, 2008.
- Model-driven Simulation of a Maritime Surveillance System (Martin Monperrus, Fabre Jaozafy, Gabriel Marchalot, Joël Champeau, Brigitte Hoeltzener and Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In 4th European Conference on Model Driven Architecture Foundations and Applications (ECMDA'2008), 2008.
- A Model-driven Measurement Approach (Martin Monperrus, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Joël Champeau and Brigitte Hoeltzener), In ACM/IEEE 11th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 08), 2008.
- La mesure des modèles par les modèles: une approche générative (Martin Monperrus), PhD thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2008.