You may want to include files in a PDF document (for instance sources, graphs, raw data, programs). If you use pdflatex, this can be done with the package ‘’attachfile’’.
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{attachfile} \begin{document} \textattachfile[mimetype=text/html,color=0 0 0.5]{doc-appendix.html}{show me} %% displays "show me" %% simplest solution \attachfile{}%% displays an icon \end{document}
See [[|the documentation of attachfile]] for more options. On Debian/Ubuntu ‘’attachfile’’ is in the package ‘’texlive-latex-extra’’.
You can extract the attached files with Adobe Reader of PDF X-Change viewer, as well as with pdftk: ’‘$ pdftk myfile.pdf unpack_files’’
Note that attached files are different from pdftosrc.