Freedom in the digital world
“Freedom in the digital world”! We want it, we fight for it! That’s an ongoing battle against governments and corporations.
The digital world is a new world, in this new world, freedom must be reinvented, reencouraged and reprotected.
“Freedom in the digital world” is a collaborative and polymorphic project: this page, a series of talks and a book. This rings a bell? Send me an email or drop me a comment at the end of the page! –Martin
Chapter “Why Digital Freedom”
The Internet Desillusion:
- The web began dying in 2014
- How did the internet com to the current state of permanent surveillance, exhibitionism and paranoia?
Why Privacy is Important:
“The price of freedom”: Freedom is not free, there is a price to pay. When corporations give you great services for free, you pay it differently.
Chapter “Software Design for Digital Freedom”
Talks about this chapter:
- Talk at “Privacy-Aware Decisions” Spring 2019, Uppsala where I have discussed the fundamental tension between the softness of software and the super rigid walls of the digital world. I conjecture that there must be software design principles that encourage freedom in the digital world.
Chapter “Resistance”
Chapter “Action!”
Resist by using different software
- FreedomBox is a project to promote personal servers running free software for distributed social networking, email and audio/video communications
- Freedom in the cloud with Nextcloud
- Mobile freedom on your smartphone (LineageOS, etc)
Resist by configuring software
Resist by modifying software
Resist by creating software
Resist by exercising your rights
Resist by enacting laws
- A Recent Renaissance in Privacy Law (CACM 2020)
- Supreme Court Affirms That No One Owns the Law
- Victory: Brookline Votes to Ban Face Surveillance
- San Francisco Bans Facial Recognition Use by Police and the Government
Chapter “Freedom and Interoperability”
Chapter “Freedom in Digital Sweden”
Chapter “Free speech and independence in the digital world”
- The Cyberpeace foundation
- Tech and liberty
- Your body is the food you consume, your thought is the media you consume, your digital mind is the software you consume