Model-driven Architecture of a Maritime Surveillance System Simulator (bibtex)
by Martin Monperrus, Benoit Long, Joël Champeau, Brigitte Hoeltzener, Gabriel Marchalot and Jean-Marc Jézéquel
Model-driven Architecture of a Maritime Surveillance System Simulator (Martin Monperrus, Benoit Long, Joël Champeau, Brigitte Hoeltzener, Gabriel Marchalot and Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Systems Engineering, Wiley, volume 13, 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
 title = {Model-driven Architecture of a Maritime Surveillance System Simulator},
 author = {Monperrus, Martin and Long, Benoit and Champeau, Jo{\"e}l and Hoeltzener, Brigitte and Marchalot, Gabriel and J{\'e}z{\'e}quel, Jean-Marc},
 url = {},
 journal = {Systems Engineering},
 publisher = {{Wiley}},
 volume = {13},
 number = {3},
 pages = {290-297},
 year = {2010},
 doi = {10.1002/sys.20149},
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