The Patches of the Nopol Automatic Repair System on the Bugs of Defects4J version 1.1.0 (bibtex)
by Thomas Durieux, Benjamin Danglot, Zhongxing Yu, Matias Martinez, Simon Urli and Martin Monperrus
The Patches of the Nopol Automatic Repair System on the Bugs of Defects4J version 1.1.0 (Thomas Durieux, Benjamin Danglot, Zhongxing Yu, Matias Martinez, Simon Urli and Martin Monperrus), Technical report hal-01480084, Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
 title = {The Patches of the Nopol Automatic Repair System on the Bugs of Defects4J version 1.1.0},
 author = {Durieux, Thomas and Danglot, Benjamin and Yu, Zhongxing and Martinez, Matias and Urli, Simon and Monperrus, Martin},
 url = {},
 type = {Research Report},
 number = {hal-01480084},
 institution = {{Universit{\'e} Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies}},
 year = {2017},
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