Self-Supervised Learning to Prove Equivalence Between Straight-Line Programs via Rewrite Rules (bibtex)
by Steve Kommrusch, Martin Monperrus and Louis-Noël Pouchet
Self-Supervised Learning to Prove Equivalence Between Straight-Line Programs via Rewrite Rules (Steve Kommrusch, Martin Monperrus and Louis-Noël Pouchet), In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2023.
Bibtex Entry:
 title = {Self-Supervised Learning to Prove Equivalence Between Straight-Line Programs via Rewrite Rules},
 journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
 year = {2023},
 doi = {10.1109/TSE.2023.3271065},
 author = {Steve Kommrusch and Martin Monperrus and Louis-Noël Pouchet},
 url = {},
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