Suggestions on Test Suite Improvements with Automatic Infection and Propagation Analysis (bibtex)
by Oscar Luis Vera-Pérez, Benjamin Danglot, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry
Suggestions on Test Suite Improvements with Automatic Infection and Propagation Analysis (Oscar Luis Vera-Pérez, Benjamin Danglot, Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry), Technical report 1909.04770, arXiv, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
 title = {Suggestions on Test Suite Improvements with Automatic Infection and Propagation Analysis},
 year = {2019},
 author = {Oscar Luis Vera-Pérez and Benjamin Danglot and Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry},
 url = {},
 number = {1909.04770},
 institution = {arXiv},
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