How to do a master's thesis in my group(July 03, 2018)
Recap. document for a good master’s thesis. May be specific to my field (computer science / software engineering) and my style of supervision.
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Cours Génie Logiciel Automatisé - M2 IAGL - UE OPL 2016(September 09, 2016)
Cette page présente les ressources du cours de M. Monperrus à la
promotion 2015-2016 du
IAGL de l'Université de Lille.
Informations Pratiques
Prérequis: bonne connaissance de la programmation et bases du génie
logiciel (test, design).
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Cours "Empirical Software Engineering" à EJCP'2016(February 24, 2016)
Rules: Ask questions, interrupt me, you don't have to listen to me.
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Cours Génie Logiciel Automatisé - M2 IAGL 2015(September 21, 2015)
Cette page présente les ressources du cours de M. Monperrus à la
promotion 2015-2016 du
IAGL de l'Université de Lille. Ce cours fait partie des UVs Outils pour
la Programmation des Logiciels (OPL) et Intelligence des Données et des
Logiciels (IDL).
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Cours Génie Logiciel Automatisé - M2 IAGL 2014(August 27, 2015)
Static Analysis to Support the Evolution of
Exception Structure in Object-Oriented Systems, 2003
Operating system protection through program evolution, 1993
E1: Extraction of a dependency graph in Spoon similar to DependencyFinder.
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Course "Automatic Software Repair" at ECI 2015(June 30, 2015)
This page presents the material related to the course on Automatic Software Repair that I'll give at Escuela de Ciencias Informáticas 2015 (ECI 2015). The course will be a mix of lecture, DIY and student presentations.
Don't hesitate to ask me questions in advance by email.
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Lecture "Empirical Software Engineering" at EJCP'2015(June 08, 2015)
This page presents the material related to the tutorial on Empirical Software Engineering that I’ll give at . The tutorial will be a mix of lecture, DIY and student presentations.
Don’t hesitate to ask me questions in advance by .
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Introduction to unit testing(January 29, 2015)
Writing test cases are like levels in a video-game. There are easy test cases, and very hard ones. Only expert gamers kill the strongest monsters of the last level. Only expert programmers write the hardest tests using advanced techniques such as dependency injection and mocks.
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Introduction to mocking for unit tests(May 02, 2014)
Mocking is a technique for better testing software. This post gives a short introduction of mocking, using examples in Java.
What is a mock?
There is no unique definition of “mock” (see [2,3] for various viewpoints). >>> read more
Comment écrire un bon rapport ?(February 11, 2014)
Ce document présente quelques consignes et astuces pour l’écriture d’un bon rapport. Il s’applique à un rapport de stage en entreprise, un rapport de projet, un rapport de TP.
Un bon rapport est bien structuré, clair, concis, aéré, illustré.
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How to Write Good Object-oriented API Documentation(December 28, 2012)
The success of a piece of software depends on many factors, including the quality of its documentation.
There are many kinds of documentation. >>> read more