Research Crew @KTH

by Martin Monperrus Tags:

Noosphere exploration with the greatest company:

Carefully advising PhD students to train them to do high-impact science is very important to me.

How to work in my group?

KTH Student There are multiple solutions to work together:

International Student Are you looking for an internship? I propose internships in Stockholm (no remote), drop me an email.

Postdoc: Are you looking for a postdoc position to perform world-class research? drop me an email.

Past students

Graduated PhDs as main supervisor:

Graduated PhDs as secondary supervisor:

Master’s theses supervised/examined at KTH:

Master’s theses:

Bachelor’s theses:


Academic genealogy

I am the grateful academic child of Jean-Marc Jézéquel, my PhD advisor. I learned a lot with my postdoc mentor Mira Mezini, my Master’s thesis advisor Yoshua Bengio and my friend Benoit Baudry.