Lab notes on compiling genprog

by Martin Monperrus

Here are some notes on the Genprog automatic repair tool.

Note that Genprog is now on Github:


version SVN 1688 genprog-code-snapshot-svn1688.tar.gz

First compile CIL

  tar xvzf cil-1.7.3.tar.gz
  cd cil-1.7.3
  export CIL=`pwd`

Then compile Genprog (works with OCaml 4.02.3):

  cd genprog-code-snapshot-svn1688
  cp src/repair genprog-svn1688

The cool thing is that it has no dependencies once built: (0x00007ffca6bee000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f0f157a4000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f0f155a0000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f0f151fb000)
/lib64/ (0x000055a8afb02000)

version 3.0 SVN 1469 Genprog v3.0 (svn rev 1469)
It requires cil-1.3.7. I had to disable the ELF mode.

Command line options

  --program X                      repair X
  --seed X                         use X as random seed
  --pos-tests X                    number of positive tests
  --neg-tests X                    number of negative tests
  --search X                       use strategy X (brute, distributed, ga, neutral, oracle, walk)
  --gui                            enable phone GUI demo-based output. gui
  --quiet                          disable all debug output. quiet
  --exp-diff perform               diffX/delta-debugging at the expression level.  Default: false
  --templates                      Use repair templates; read from file X.  Default: none
  --template-cache save            the template computations to avoid wasting time.
  --prefix X                       append X on file names to access original source.  Default: ./
  --sanity X                       Sanity strategy. Options: "yes", "no".  Default: yes if no preexisting rep cache, no otherwise.
  --no-rep-cache                   do not load representation (parsing) .cache file
  --neg-weight X                   weight to give statements only on the negative path. Default: 1.0
  --pos-weight X                   weight to give statements on both the positive and the negative paths. Default: 0.1
  --fitness-in-parallel X          allow X fitness evals for 1 variant in parallel
  --keep-source                    keep all source files
  --nested                         allow mutating the results of a previous mutation
  --test-command X                 use X as test command
  --test-script X                  use X as test script name
  --compiler X                     use X as compiler
  --compiler-command X             use X as compiler command
  --compiler-opts X                use X as options
  --preprocessor                   preprocessor command. Default: __COMPILER_NAME__ -E __COMPILER_OPTIONS__
  --label-repair                   indicate repair locations
  --flatten-path X                 flatten weighted path (sum/min/max/first/last)
  --allow-coverage-fail            allow coverage to fail its test cases
  --regen-paths                    regenerate path files
  --fault-scheme X                 fault localization scheme X.  Options: path, uniform, line, weight, tarantula, jaccard, ochiai, clone. Default: path
  --clone-file X                   code clone file used to modify weights
  --fault-path X                   Negative path file, for path-based localization.  Default: coverage.path.neg
  --fault-file X                   Fault localization file.  e.g., Lines/weights if scheme is lines/weights.
  --fix-scheme X                   Fix localization scheme X.  Options: path, uniform, line, weight, oracle, default (whatever Wes was doing before). Default: default
  --fix-path X                     Positive path file, for path-based localization. Default: coverage.path.pos
  --fix-file X                     Fix localization information file, e.g., Lines/weights.
  --fix-oracle X                   List of source files for the oracle fix information.
  --coverage-info X                Collect and print out suite coverage info to file X
  --coverage-per-test              create and use 'per test case' coverage information
  --use-partition N                restrict mutations to partition N
  --valgrind                       the program under repair is valgrind; lots of hackiness/special processing.
  --rep-cache X                    rep cache file.  Default: base_name.cache.
  --skip-tests X                   assume test cases X (concat all names) pass
  --skip-failed-sanity-tests       skip those tests that the sanity check fails
  --negative-test-weight X         negative tests fitness factor. Default: 2.0
  --single-fitness                 use a single fitness value
  --sample X                       sample size of positive test cases to use for fitness. Default: 1.0
  --samp-strat X                   Sample strategy: variant, generation, all. Default: variant
  --print-source-name              Print the source name(s) of variants with their fitness. Default: false
  --print-incremental-evals        Print the number of evals to date along with variants/fitness. Default:false
  --best-test-rule X               use X to rank possible tests in adaptive search
  --sample-runs X                  Execute X runs of the test suite while sampling with oprofile.
  --elf-risc                       Specify that a RISC instruction set is used with fixed-width instructions.
  --asm-code-only                  Limit mutation operators to code sections of assembly files
  --minimization                   Attempt to minimize diff script using delta-debugging
  --edit-script                    Minimize the edit script, not the tree-based diff. Default: false
  --lase-deallocation-api function API for deallocating memory to prevent leaks
  --lase-paired-functions CSV      contains function-to-wrap, prefix-function, and suffix-function
  --semantic-check                 limit CIL mutations by requiring matching variables
  --mt-cov                         instrument for coverage with locks.  Avoid if possible.
  --uniq                           print each visited stmt only once
  --swap-bug                       swap is implemented as in ICSE 2012 GMB experiments.
  --ignore-dead-code               do not make known-dead mutations.
  --ignore-standard-headers        do not mutate C library #include headers.
  --ignore-equiv-appends           do not make equivalent append mutations.
  --ignore-string-equiv-fixes      do not consider string-equivalent fixes twice.
  --ignore-untyped-returns         do not insert 'return' if the types mismatch.
  --popsize X                      variant population size
  --crossover X                    use X as crossover [one,back,subset,flat]
  --crossp X                       use X as crossover rate
  --format X                       format for serialized population.  Options: bin/binary, txt.  Default: txt
  --tournament-size X              use x as tournament size
  --appp X                         relative append probability. Default: 0.3333.
  --delp X                         relative delete probability. Default: 0.3333.
  --swapp X                        relative swap probability. Default: 0.3333
  --repp X                         relative replace probability. Default: 0.0
  --lasep X                        relative probability of applying LASE templates. Default: 0.0
  --generations X                  conduct X iterations of the given search strategy. Default: 10.
  --max-evals X                    allow X maximum fitness evaluations in GA runs
  --promut X                       make X mutations per 'mutate' call
  --geomp X                        probability of success for geometric distribution of mutations
  --subatom-mutp X                 use X as subatom mutation rate
  --subatom-constp X               use X as subatom constant rate
  --continue                       Continue search after repair has been found.  Default: false
  --best-edit-rule X               use X to rank possible edits in adaptive search
  --exclude-edits X                exclude all edits specified in X when running repair (space-seperated)
  --pd-mutp X                      use X as the binomial mutation rate in exploration proactive diversity search
  --eviction-strategy X            strategy for evicting from the steady-state popultion (random,tournament,worst)
  --fitness-log X                  log pop fitness to CSV file; used for steady-state where pop fitness is not clear from debug log
  --neutral-walk-max-size X        Maximum neutral variant size; 0 for any size, -1 to maintain original.
  --neutral-walk-weight X          Weight selection to favor X individuals. (e.g., small)
  --multiopt-minimize              minimize multiopt objective
  --multiopt-no-inf                avoid infinite values
  --num-objectives X               expect X objective values
  --hostname X                     server ip
  --sport X                        server port
  --port X                         my port
  --num-comps X                    Distributed: Number of computers to simulate
  --diversity-selection X          Distributed: Use diversity for exchange
  --variants-exchanged X           Distributed: Number of variants to send
  --gen-per-exchange X             Distributed: Number of generations between exchanges
  --split-search X                 Distributed: Split up the search space
  --describe-machine               describe the current machine (e.g., for cloud computing)
  --incoming-pop X                 file of variants for the first generation.  Either binary or a list of genomes to be read from a string.
  --no-test-cache                  do not load testing .cache file
  --nht-server X                   connect to network test cache server X
  --nht-port X                     connect to network test cache server on port X
  --nht-id X                       this repair scenario's NHT identifier
  --rep X                          representation X (c,txt,java)
  --oracle-genome X                genome for oracle search, either string or binary file.
  --version                        print the version and exit
  -help                            Display this list of options
  --help                           Display this list of options
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