greasemonkey jquery and xmlhttprequest together

by Martin Monperrus

This post shows that one can use all AJAX features of JQuery in Greasemonkey. It is an update of the excellent post of Ryan Greenberg ([[]]).

In Greasemonkey, there is a [[|function called GM_xmlhttpRequest for XHR]]. However, it does not comply with the XmlHttprequest interface. Hence, it is not possible to use it with JQuery. Ryan Greenberg made a first wrapper of xmlhttpRequest compatible with JQuery. I updated it in order to work with JQuery 1.5.:

JQuery AJAX in Greasemonley then looks like:
  url: '/p/',// this even works for cross-domain requests by default
  xhr: function(){return new GM_XHR();},
  type: 'POST',
  success: function(val){

===== The script =====

Main changes compared to Ryan’s implementation: - implemented getAllResponseHeaders - removed onreadystatechange on GM_xmlhttpRequest which is useless

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